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The European fire protection associations have decided to produce common guidelines in order to achieve similar interpretation in the European countries and to give example of acceptable solutions, concepts and models. The guidelines reflect best practice developed by the countries of CFPA Europe. The CFPA E has the aim to facilitate and support fire and natural hazards protection and security work in the European countries, but where the guidelines and the national requirement conflict, national requirement must apply.
All copyrights are reserved to CFPA E and members. Copies and reprints of the text and of large extracts are authorized under the following conditions:
Only minimal changes due to translation are authorized.
CFPA-E Guideline No 43:2024 F
Many industrial activities require the use and therefore the storage of flammable liquids, sometimes in large quantities. Fires involving this type of product (class B fires) are very often fought, whether by in-house teams or firefighters from the fire and rescue service, with the use of foam concentrates. Foam concentrates are thus one of the key factors in the fire protection strategy. However, other important factors must be taken into account in their use in order not to compromise the safety of people and property. This guideline provides the involved parties with relevant criteria for choosing an appropriate foam concentrate.
CFPA-E Guideline No 42:2023 F
This guideline presents a general method of choosing protection measures, which are applicable to any risk. When implementing measures for a specific risk, a person shall comply with the corresponding technical guidelines applicable in the particular case. , e.g. fire protection systems. are normally the responsibility of those managing safety in companie
CFPA-E Guideline No 41:2023 F
This guideline presents recommendations for the users of small and medium electronic devices powered by lithium ion batteries. Other possible dangers are electric shocks and chemical risks
CFPA-E Guideline No 40:2023 F
This Guideline presents a comprehensive procedure to qualify and recognize the knowledge and experience of a Fire Safety Specialist in Building Design, with the curriculum and competencies described. The procedure is developed, supported and recognized by the CFPA-E and its member Associations.
CFPA-E Guideline No 39:2021 F
The guideline contains the fire safety requirements for all kind of schools with more than 30 people, excluding nurseries.
CFPA-E Guideline No 38:2022 F
This publication is intended to inform all the above target audiences in terms of flooding hazards and associated risks. With instructions and recommendations for practice, all the target audiences should, in addition, be supported:
CFPA-E Guideline No 37:2018 F
This guideline should give guidance for the proper design, installation, operation and maintenance so that safe operation of photovoltaic systems can be assured. The guideline covers grid connected photovoltaic systems installed on buildings. It provides information on loss prevention with respect to fire protection, firefighting, mechanical, electrical and security aspects.
CFPA-E Guideline No 36:2017 F
The purpose of this guideline is to assist safety practitioners in the development of fire safety measures and to ensure the safety of people in large tent(s) and marquees used for shows, circuses, trade fairs, exhibitions, etc.
CFPA-E Guideline No 35:2017 F
This guideline concerns storage premises, both large and small. The measures concern not only owners, tenants and staff who administer and operate warehouses, but also the local population who may be affected by a serious fire in their immediate neighborhood. It is intended that the contents will help to prevent fires from occurring and minimize the impact of any incident that does take place.
CFPA-E Guideline No 34:2015 F
This Guideline outlines practical measures that can be taken to reduce the number of fires associated with emergency power generating equipment. The guidance applies to the use of fixed and portable generators and to uninterruptable power supplies that are often provided for computer installations and associated equipment.
CFPA-E Guideline No 33:2015 F
This guideline describes the measurements that should be considered when designing public premises that are accessible for people with disabilities.
CFPA-E Guideline No 32:2023 F
These specifications substantiate the fire protection requirements and measures to be considered for recycling plants and mechanical-biological waste treatment plants from a general point of view and they are based on state-of-the-art fire protection expertise. They include specifications that help reduce fire hazards and their effects.
CFPA-E Guideline No 31:2021 F
This guideline in intended to provide farmers themselves an adequate understanding of the phenomena of self-ignition and explosion and the prevention measures that can take to achieve an acceptable level of safety.
CFPA-E Guideline No 30:2021 F
This guideline provides knowledge about simple, basic, low-cost actions, which can be done to protect historic buildings from fire.
CFPA-E Guideline No 29:2019 F
The purpose of the guideline is to describe fire safety measures, applied specifically to the protection of paintings during transport, exhibition and storage.
CFPA-E Guideline No 28:2022 F
This guideline provides recommendations to supplement national regulations for fire safety in laboratories of all sizes. The guidance is directed to property protection and business continuity, as well as life safety issues.
CFPA-E Guideline No 27:2021 F
The objective of this guideline is to provide a reasonable safe environment for the occupants of apartment buildings and mainly to give them the opportunity to safely escape a fire.
CFPA-E Guideline No 26: 2010 F
Withdrawn July 2021, content is an attachment in CFPA E Guideline
CFPA-E Guideline No 25:2023 F
The aim of this guideline is to help a company or institution to be prepared for accidental situation e.g. fire and other incidents. This can be achieved by making a written document, the emergency plan.
CFPA-E Guideline No 24:2016 F
This guideline set out the requirements that must be satisfied in order that a dwelling may be categorized as a Fire Safe Home. The intention is that this guideline should be applicable to all types of dwellings, from single-family houses to flats in multistory buildings.
CFPA-E Guideline No 23:2023 F
This guideline documents the operational readiness of fire control systems and regulates their design and control.
CFPA-E Guideline No 22:2022 F
This guideline describes the typical risks of fire given under the special conditions of the operation of wind turbines, and proposes measures for loss prevention.
CFPA-E Guideline No 21:2021 F
The purpose of this guideline is to prevent as many fires on construction sites as possible and to reduce the severity of those that do occur, by presenting best practice regarding fire safety on construction sites.
CFPA-E Guideline No 20:2022 F
This guideline recommends fire precaution measures to be taken by the owner of the sites, and measures the guests may take to protect themselves from fires and explosions when they are visiting a camping site.
CFPA-E Guideline No 19:2023 F
This guideline supplies valid support for the evacuation strategy to allow occupants, anywhere within the structure, to be able to evacuate to a place of safety.
CFPA-E Guideline No 18:2022 F
This document introduces ways in which management can adopt measures that will help a business survive the effects of a significant and potentially damaging event, such as a fire or flood. This approach to business resilience delivers a framework on which a company can build, whatever its size and the nature of its business.
CFPA-E Guideline No 17:2015 F
This guideline highlights a number of important action areas and appropriate measures that are of general application in farms and should be aimed for.
CFPA-E Guideline No 16:2016 F
Good fire safety has many advantages when applied in offices. This guideline gives recommendations about how to deal with the main hazards in the office.
CFPA-E Guideline No 15:2022 F
This guideline recommends fire precaution measures taken by the owner of the harbors and measures the guests may take to protect themselves from fire and explosions when they are visiting a harbor.
CFPA-E Guideline No 14:2019 F
The protection of IT equipment have high significance. An adequate safety level can only be guaranteed by an integrated concept. Special emphasis shall be placed on a sensible combination of protection measures.
CFPA-E Guideline No 13:2015 F
The aim of this guideline is to give a simple and accessible description of what fire protection documentation should look like.
CFPA-E Guideline No 12:2023 F
The aim of the guideline is to improve the understanding and attitude of hot work operatives so that, within a general approach of risk assessment, they can carry out hot work in a safe manner.
CFPA-E Guideline No 11:2015 F
This guideline specifies different levels of training and makes recommendations about how many persons in a company should at less have those level trainings.
CFPA-E Guideline No 10:2022 F
The aim of this guideline is to prevent injuries, loss of lives and property in fires in the homes, giving recommendations to consider in the installation of fire alarms.
CFPA-E Guideline No 09:2023 F
The measures described in the Guideline tend to dwell on fire safety on the kitchen, although its theme of risk assessment will involve restaurant management in a survey of fire hazards in all areas and a comprehensive approach to such hazards.
CFPA-E Guideline No 08:2004 F
Withdrawn May 2022, content is now in CFPA-E Guideline No 01:2022 S
CFPA-E Guideline No 07:2022 F
Many arson attacks target waste containers and other combustible objects located outside buildings. These relatively innocuous fires too often develop into fires that can cause significant injuries or property damage when they spread into the buildings. This guideline gives the owners and occupiers of premises some basic advice about ways to prevent these.
CFPA-E Guideline No 06:2021 F
This guide aim to help with the planning, execution and maintenance of fire safety for individuals with weakened ability to act.
CFPA-E Guideline No 05:2023 F
This guideline contains different requirements concerning guidance signs, emergency lighting and general lighting.
CFPA-E Guideline No 04:2022 F
There are many methods of carrying out a fire risk assessment and examples are Gardner, Meseri, frame and the Fire Safety Concepts Tree. An analytical method enables a better fire risk assessment to be made and allows better control to be exercised over the fire hazards.
CFPA-E Guideline No 03:2023 F
This guideline concerns the practice of thermography. In order for thermography to be carried out properly, it is essential that it is done by people, who have the right skills and experience in this area.
CFPA-E Guideline No 02:2022 F
This guideline applies where the activity imposes demands on doors, not sliding doors, which shall be normally kept locked from the outside and/or prevent the passage of unauthorized persons, and shall also be capable of use as means of escape
CFPA-E Guideline No 01:2015 F
The market imposes new demands for quality and safety. Today fire protection forms an integral part of a modern strategy for survival and competitiveness. This guideline gives a method for a systematic fire protection work.
Please find the CFPA Europe relevant documents:
Members of the Guideline Commission
List of Ratified and Endorsed Guidelines of GC and NH Group 2023
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