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The work of the CFPA Europe guideline commission

The European fire protection associations have decided to produce common guidelines

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The European fire protection associations have decided to produce common guidelines in order to achieve similar interpretation in the European countries and to give example of acceptable solutions, concepts and models. The guidelines reflect best practice developed by the countries of CFPA Europe. The CFPA E has the aim to facilitate and support fire and natural hazards protection and security work in the European countries, but where the guidelines and the national requirement conflict, national requirement must apply.

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All copyrights are reserved to CFPA E and members. Copies and reprints of the text and of large extracts are authorized under the following conditions:

  • with indication of the original titles.
  • with indication of CFPA-E.
  • with respect of the general contexts of the guideline.

Only minimal changes due to translation are authorized.

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Guidelines for Evacuation and Salvage of Works of Art revised
Guidelines for Evacuation and Salvage of Works of Art revised

Guideline No.7:2023 S

Developing Evacuation and Salvage Plans for Works of Art and Heritage Buildings
Developing Evacuation and Salvage Plans for Works of Art and Heritage Buildings

CFPA-E Guidelines No.7:2016 S

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The document will help establishments entrusted with works of art such as museums, libraries, archives, and churches to plan for the safe preservation of exhibits in the event of a catastrophic event, when timely action is critical. Others with custody of art property such as warehouses, forwarding companies, galleries and trade exhibition centres will also find the document highly relevant.

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Guidelines Security in Schools
Guidelines Security in Schools

CFPA-E Guidelines No. 8:2016 S

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This document assists those responsible for security in a school (e.g. school managers, school security personnel, authorities, etc.) as well as those wishing to see that students may learn in a safe and productive environment.
The scope of the document is to provide information and guidance on security aspects in schools, including measures to minimise risks for physical property damage and for asset protection.

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Cyber Security for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
Cyber Security for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

CFPA E Guideline No. 11:2018 S

Protection of Business Intelligence
Protection of Business Intelligence

CFPA-E Guidelines No. 10:2025 S

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The readiness of unprincipled individuals and businesses to commit industrial espionage, sabotage and vandalism appears to be on the increase globally.  This impacts the victim organisation through damage to competitiveness, market advantage, reputation and staff morale.  These guidelines illustrate the risks and the action an organisation must take to protect its business information.

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Security Report Rental, Storage and Exhibition of Art Objects
Security Report Rental, Storage and Exhibition of Art Objects

Guideline No 14:2025 S

Cybersecurity Basic level – Basic IT security
Cybersecurity Basic level – Basic IT security

Guideline No 13:2024 S

Security Guidelines for Businesses
Security Guidelines for Businesses

CFPA-E Guideline No 12:2023 S

Recommendation for the Control of Metal Theft
Recommendation for the Control of Metal Theft

CFPA-E Guideline No 09:2024 S

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At times of high market demand for metal as a result of worldwide economic developments, and the correspondingly high prices available for scrap metal, the theft of metal materials, particularly attached to or outside buildings, such as cable, roofing, raw materials and finished products, causes significant disruption to business and community assets and can even result in injury and death.  The problem can be mitigated partly by rigorous controls on scrap metal trading but these should be supported by the type of security options discussed in this guide.

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Emergency Exit Doors in Non Residential/Domestic Premises
Emergency Exit Doors in Non Residential/Domestic Premises

CFPA-E Guidelines No 06:2024 S

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The document assists specialists and end users in selecting suitable means to secure buildings against intrusion via emergency exit doors. They relate to commercial and public premises only and relates specifically to emergency exit doors. Windows and other openings are outside the technical scope of this document.

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Security Guidelines for Museums and Showrooms
Security Guidelines for Museums and Showrooms

Guidelines Museums No 05:2022 S

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This document gives assistance to operators of museums and showroom as well as to risk carrier (e.g. insurers). It helps identifying risks and developing strategies facing these risks.

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Guidance on Keyholder Selections and Duties
Guidance on Keyholder Selections and Duties

CFPA-E Guideline No 04:2024 S

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This document gives assistance to owners of electronic security systems at commercial premises in selecting appropriate persons to act as premises keyholders. It also provides guidance on ensuring the safety of keyholders, and keyholders’ responsibilities when operating the system or attending the site in response to an activation/fault.

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Electronic Security Systems for Empty Buildings
Electronic Security Systems for Empty Buildings

CFPA-E Guidelines No 03:2010 S

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This document provides guidance on the subject of electronic security systems for empty buildings to assist those considering installing such systems. It supplements the CFPA publication Protection of Empty Buildings, 02:2010/S.

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Protection of Empty Buildings
Protection of Empty Buildings

CFPA-E Guidelines No 02:2010 S

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This document provides comprehensive information regarding the problems often associated with empty buildings, together with guidance concerning possible safeguards in order to reduce losses from empty buildings, whether due to theft, vandalism or deliberate fire raising (arson).

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Arson Document
Arson Document

CFPA-E Guidelines No 01:2022 S

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This document provides background information and practical guidance on the prevention and control of arson.

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CFPA Europe Guidelines Commission documents

Please find the CFPA Europe relevant documents:

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