CFPA E's Open Network Ambassadors

Supporting the aims and work of CFPA Europe

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Who can become an Ambassador?

All individuals, no matter where the person lives, can join the open network CFPA Europe Ambassador

However, those who work in or have interest in safety, particularly in fire safety, security and natural hazards.


Will be a part of CFPA Europe’s Ambassadors network.


Will be invited to the “CFPA Europe’s Ambassador Forum”. Where it is possible to ask questions of other Ambassadors.


Will get news from CFPA Europe: Newsletters, Articles, Conference information, etc.


New ideas and proposals on related topics can be addressed to the Director, who will take the proposal to an appropriate commission or group.


Need to pay the yearly Ambassador grant (fee) and agree that their name will be published on CFPA Europe’s website.

When a person signs the document to become an Ambassador they agree to:

  • Only use the CFPA Europe’s Ambassador logo and act in accordance with the requirements of CFPA-E Ambassadors.
  • That they understand that they cannot represent or speak on behalf of the CFPA-E.
  • That each Ambassador is solely responsible for the content of their posts or messages.
  • The CFPA Europe is permitted to publish Ambassador names on CFPA-E website.
  • They are permitted to have a link to CFPA Europe’s website regarding ambassadors if on their own website they declare that they
    are a CFPA-E Ambassador.
  • Not permitted to use the Ambassador Forum for marketing products and services.
  • Are able to inform CFPA Europe about their geographical location.

Other rules in Becoming an Ambassador



Yearly fee in according to CFPA Europe’s Statutes. The invoice for existing Ambassadors will be sent at the beginning of January each year and will need to be paid by the last day of February of that same year. There is no fee in the calendar year in which a registration is submitted. Those registrations that are received from 1st September to 31st December of any year will not incur any fees for the subsequent year, but will thereafter receive an invoice in January of the following year.

Resignation and exclusion

An Ambassador wishing to resign should write to CFPA Europe’s Director, who will inform the Secretary. An Ambassador will be excluded if the fee is not paid after the second reminder.

CFPA-E reserves the right to exclude any Ambassador, if they post or use misleading or false information, which will include information about CFPA Europe, about themselves, or about CFPA Europe’s members.

How to show Ambassadors on CFPA Europe’s website?
There will be a special page on CFPA Europe’s website where all Ambassadors will be listed (compulsory).

Use of CFPA E’s logo

An Ambassador is not allowed to use CFPA Europe’s logo. They are however entitled to use the CFPA – E Ambassador Logo. They can put the Ambassador Logo on their business card, in their CV, and on their personal website indicating that they are an Ambassador of the CFPA Europe.

The CFPA-E reserves the right to exclude any Ambassador who uses the wrong logo.

CFPA E’s Ambassadors logo