About us

CFPA Europe

Fire safety · Security · Natural Hazards

Who we are

The Confederation of Fire Protection Associations Europe (CFPA-Europe) is an association of national organisations in Europe concerned primarily with fire prevention & protection and also safety & security and other associated risks.

Association with 26 members and unique networks:

. Founded in 1974.
. Governed by statutes.
. Managing Committee represents all members.
. Influential work in Training, Fire Safety, Security, Natural Hazards and Marketing and Information Commissions.
. Product: guidelines, training and information.
. Informative Website and Newsletter.

Objectives of CFPA Europe

To advance the knowledge and the understanding of matters relating to fire science, fire prevention & protection, safety & security and other associated risks.

To encourage the exchange of information in relation with protection of life and property.

To facilitate co-operation between members for undertaking joint programs.

To carry out or to commission research and studies. To act as spokesman.

To promote the European perspective.

To foster the development of fire protection organisations in new countries.

CFPA Europe Statutes

In the attached documents, please find relevant information about the CFPA Europe.