SEGURTECNIA magazine has awarded its prestigious Annual Award of Security during the […]
SEGURTECNIA magazine has awarded its prestigious Annual Award of Security during the celebration of the twenty-seventh edition of its ‘Security Luncheon’. This event counted with the assistance of more than 500 professionals from the sector and was presided by Miguel Ángel Fernández Rancaño, acting as president of the Technical Assessor Board for the magazine.
The Training Commission of the European Confederation of Fire Protection Associations (CFPA Europe) that was supported and presided by CEPREVEN during its first thirteen years of activity was awarded the Trophy for Training in Security for the work it has done during these thirty one years. During this time the organization has created common Educational Programs and globalized Diplomas and Certificates around sixteen countries. This has meant that the technicians that work in Prevention and Protection against Fires can have similar knowledge in any of the countries that have associations that are related to these programs.
Jesper Ditlev, President of the CFPA-E, received this award from the Secretary of State for Security, Francisco Martínez Vázquez, together with the first President of the Training Commission, Miguel Ángel Saldaña, former Director of CEPREVEN. The latter expressed his gratitude in the name of the European Confederation of Fire Protection Associations for the trophy and expressed his satisfaction at the recognition this meant for the hard work of the associations in the different countries, with special emphasis in thanking CEPREVEN. He encouraged all the European associations for the continuation of quality education with common and globalized European bases, in benefit of security.
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