Why such a public campaign? In view of the high figures of […]
Why such a public campaign?
In view of the high figures of intrusion the item protection against intrusion is a special focus in the work of the police criminal prevention. Aim is to sensitize people to see for a self-dependent, effective intrusion protection. With co-operation partners from the insurance associations, the industry and installer companies the police therefore initiated in the year 2012 the nationwide public campaign “K-Einbruch”. The Federal Minister of the Interior, Dr. Thomas de Maizière had the courtesy to act as patron. Ms. Kristina Vogel, as cyclist twice Olympic winner and federal police officer is ambassador of the campaign. The figures of the last years showing steadily raise of intrusion attempts substantiate that prevention measures and prevention by appropriate behavior and the proper security techniques are effective measures. This may definitely be explained by ameliorations in security measures against intrusion in private households. The campaign, therefore, tries to attract also those circles for which intrusion wasn’t subject yet.
Core of the campaign is the web presence www.k-einbruch.de. This offers besides others product neutral information of the police on intrusion protection, an interactive house with clues how to protect ones home as well as information on government aid of intrusion protection. In the category “Partner” website visitors may find the K-EINBRUCH network which is steadily amended. Associations being listed with their logo and links on co-operation partners and companies support the initiative and advise on their own websites the campaign. Vice-verse, this network leads to the websites of the co-operation partners.
The day of the intrusion protection
A further essential element of the campaign is the „Day of the intrusion protection“. Themed on “One hour more for more security”, this yearly event takes place the day as central European summertime ends and clocks are reset to wintertime. Citizens should benefit from the hour such way gained to read up on intrusion protection and to reflect on how to realize security recommendations in their own course of life. Local police stations as well as the partners of the campaign point to the high figures of home intrusion with a variety of activities and information performances.
The „K-EINBRUCH“ Media
In order to give the campaign a corporate identity and to reach recognition a logo with close resemblance to the police seal was developed. For the advertisement of K-EINBRUCH posters, postcards, stickers, information leaflet, announcements and link banners were produced which all partners may use. Partners highlight the day of the intrusion protection with an eye catcher, a striking graphic teaser. The motive of the campaign – a room being obsessed by a burglar, where the open patio door was sprayed with the note “door was tilted” – underlines the experience of the police that burglars often seize the favorable occasion. The note “door was tilted” here is a pointer on careless behavior of citizens and is aimed to create more consciousness to one’s individual responsibility and to engage oneself with the issue intrusion protection.
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