SPEK’s and Insurance company LähiTapiola’s Hero training won the award for “The […]
SPEK’s and Insurance company LähiTapiola’s Hero training won the award for “The Security Act of the Year” at the annual Finnish Security Awards in October. SPEK’s member organizations were also well represented among those whose work was recognized.
Together with its partners, Security & Safety and Risk Management Magazine (Turvallisuus & Riskienhallinta) awards annually different actors who have performed exceptionally and promoted safety in their work. This is to highlight the innovative and excellent work done in Finland in the field of safety and security.
The Security Act of the Year, Hero Training, is complimentary emergency fire extinguishing training provided by SPEK and LähiTapiola. The training is seen very useful as according to the statistics, in 2014 successful emergency fire extinguishing saved one life and prevented 12 injuries as well as financial damages for 20 million euros.
In addition, Mr Saku Rouvali and Mr Timo Tammisto from Jokivarsi voluntary fire brigade were awarded the prize of Volunteer of the Year. They have built two fire trucks which have been used frequently in youth work.
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