In 2003, the GDV (Association of German Insurers) published the dossier “Renewable […]
In 2003, the GDV (Association of German Insurers) published the dossier “Renewable Energies” for the first time. Changes in technology and a rapid expansion of renewable energies are accompanied by an increasing demand for renewables-specific insurance policies. In addition to classic coverage against damages during construction and operation, there is a new demand among investors for delivery guarantee coverage, i.e. insurance against interannual fluctuations in solar radiation and wind speed. Consequently, in recent years the insurance industry has been developing novel products including coverage for premature ageing of photovoltaic cells. Based on products like these, the insurance industry takes on part of the producers’ and/or investors’ risks, rendering investments in these technologies more attractive and thereby indirectly promoting climate protection.
In 2017 the GDV (Association of German Insurers) published now the 9th edition of this dossier.
You can download the dossier here (free of charge):
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