
Shopping Centre Specialist

The aim of this course is to provide a suitable training programme in fire safety and security matters for those working in shopping centres.

Duration : 5 days (35 hours)

Countries Running the Course

If this course is not available in your country, please contact with your member training.

Upon conclusion of the course delegates will be able to:
• recognise the main problems associated with fire safety and security in shopping centres
• identify risks
• formulate solutions to fire safety problems
• develop emergency action and protection plans and adequately implement these plans
• know the specific regulations and standards related to shopping centres

• Fire safety managers and fire protection managers
• Experts, consultants in fire prevention and security and authority staff
• Installers, designers and maintenance staff
• Inspectors
• All personnel working in shopping centres in particular those involved in design, management and fire safety and security

It is recommended that delegates have a basic knowledge of security and fire
prevention systems and techniques.

Basic Concepts – Buildings
• Fire Safety Regulations and National Legislation
• Fire Safety:
• Fire rating resistance for Compartments
• Fire reaction of Panelling and other coatings
• CE mark and construction products
• Manual extinguishers
• Automatic systems:
• Fire Detection
• Fire extinguishment
• Storage protection
• Heat and Smoke control
• Emergency planning:
• Structure
• Risk assessment
• Emergency situations
• Evacuation of works of art
• Security: first approach
• The fire / security interface
• National legislation
• Detection
• Communication
• Access Control
• Case Study

• 2:2007 F; 5:2003 F; 7:2005 F; 12:2006 F; 19:2009 F

Written examination plus a case study management report presented in writing or orally

Diploma – Optional subtitle «Fire Safety Specialist for Shopping Centres CFPA-E»