
Security: Management Cycle

The aim of this course is to explore further the areas covered in the Security: Technical Cycle but focusing on organisational and management issues.

Duration : 5 days

Countries Running the Course

If this course is not available in your country, please contact with your member training.

Individuals responsible for the organisation of security within their own and other organisations

• Holder of the Security: Technical Cycle diploma
• Or have passed an examination which demonstrates the same level of knowledge.

Upon successful completion of the course students will able to manage complex security concepts within a coherent structure together with related safety requirements and associated financial issues.

• Laws
• Management of staff / psychological items
• Group work: analysis of risks and threat
• Access control systems: extended functions
• Security in communication and information systems
• Management of costs
• Security quality management
• Benchmarking
• Crises management, examples
• Case study, group work

• 1:2002 F

Written examination plus a case study management report presented in writing or orally

Optional subtitle «Security Manager CFPA-E»